Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This morning I got to get up and go straight to dance class which was fantastic. God says whenever two or more are gathered in His name that He is there, He never said what you had to be doing. I go to a Christian dance studio so whenever we're there we are gathered in His name and His presence is always there. I just think I am so blessed with knowing the creator of the heavens and earth and that He would not only let me know Him but he would also bless me with fantastic people all around me. I also had youth group tonight. Now don't get me wrong, worshiping on my own is awesome and all but worshiping with your family (church family) Is completely different and beautiful. Worship tonight reminded me again why I love worshiping.
So I learned "Alive Again" By Matt Maher. It's probably one of my favorite worship songs of all time. I love the chorus because it's all about how God called us and made us alive again and I just think it's really cool.
The songs I worshiped to on my own today were. How He Loves, It Is Finished, and Here's My Heart. The songs I worshiped to with my youth group were Marvelous Light, This Is My Fathers World, Every Move I Make, Come Thou Fount, In Christ Alone, and You're Beautiful.
Well, I read Romans 16 today which means I'm Done with Romans! It was a really cool book to read through. A lot of chapter 16 was Paul telling the church in Rome to greet the people He is sending to their church which I think is an example to us.
When I was at windy gap (A Church Camp) a couple years ago all of the girls in my youth group were watching the guys play volley ball and a girl from another church came over and sat with us so we started talking to her and including her in conversation and generally being friendly. After about five minutes the girl says "My friends over there bet me five bucks that you guys wouldn't talk to me if I came over here and just sat down"
Whenever I think of that conversation I get kind of sad for the church today. I mean, isn't it our call as Christians to be accepting and loving? "They will know you by your love for one another"
Why aren't we living that? Is it really that hard to love others? To say a kind word? I think we should "greet" Fellow Christians openly even if they're another denomination. I was at a church planting conference a couple months ago and one of the speakers said "WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM!" and it's true! If you believe that Crist died to save our souls because He loves us and that it's faith that saves not works We are on the same team! I doesn't matter what you think about predestination or what you believe about end times! now i'm not saying you shouldn't know what you believe but those subjects aren't what saves you. So I encourage all of you to accept fellow Christians with open hearts no matter what denomination they are or where they're from.

My prayer for you is that God would pour His love into your hearts and that your hearts would pour out into the world around you so others may see the love of Christ through you.

With Love,
                Romans 16:20

ps: Sorry for changing the font on you but I like this one more.

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