Ok so this blog is going to be about my journey about learning how to lead worship and learning how to worship God more fully in the process.
About a year ago I started leading worship in my youth group after being inspired by Hadriel, the band that led worship at a church camp I had attended (Find them on facebook, they're fantastic).
The first couple of months were really hard and I felt like no one was singing and that I was messing up all the time! Slowly it got easier and easier and now I am fairly comfortable playing in front of people. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T HAVE ALOT TO LEARN!
I am completely self taught on guitar and I have a problem finding which key to sing in on my own but those are just my technical problems.
I feel like I can't lead others to worship God if my heart is not fully captivated by him so I am going to commit to Everyone (if anyone) who reads this blog that I am going to complete this list every day:
1. Pray first thing in the morning.
Sadly I have gotten out of this habit which causes me to go through most days without even
thinking about God! and I do NOT want to live that way
2. Read through complete books of the bible 1-2 chapters a day.
This is another good habit that I have forgotten about. If I keep myself in Gods word I will
learn more about Him which in consequence will cause me to want to worship Him more.
3. Attempt a new worship song
If I attempt new things who knows what I can accomplish! if you guys have any ideas for songs
I should wrong let me know!
4. Take 15 minutes and do older songs I already know and just worship the living God.
If I can't worship in private than how the heck am I supposed to worship in front of others and
lead them in that worship!?
5. Last but not least, post what I did on my blog.
Every day (As possible) I will post my progress and how I completed each thing on my list.
It's about 7 at night so I missed the first step but I am about to read through Romans 1, I learned Hearts On Fire by Hadriel, and I will complete my 15 minutes of worship after I read my bible.
My hope for documenting this all on the internet is that someone else will either learn from what i'm doing, find encouragement in it, or pick up my "to do list" and learn how to worship God completely with me.
With love,
Ephesians 4:2-5
Twitter: @graceshanksalot
Instagram: @graceshanksalotxvx
Facebook: Grace Burdett
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