I think it's becoming a pattern that my first paragraph is a disclaimer for the title of each post because I just wanted to clarify right now that I have know how to play "Jesus I Come" since I started leading worship so this post isn't titled that because it's the song I learned. Ok, moving on.
I woke up at about 4am and could not stop coughing for 2 hours straight this morning. needless to say, that was not a fun experience. well I fell back asleep by the grace of God and woke up around 8:30 but stayed in bed till 9:30 when my coughs forced me to get medicine so I did not have a great start to this morning.
When I started praying I informed God how sick I am and asked him to heal me if it was his will and that lead me to pray for one of the band member of Hadriel, Patrick, who started chemo Monday which lead me to pray about his wife and unborn child which lead me to pray about my friend who is pregnant and for her and her babies health. all of that to say, it's just really cool to see how God can change your mindset from "Woe is me" to "Please bless others" through prayer.
When I opened my bible and started reading through Romans 4 I thought it would never end! The whole chapter pretty much says in too many words "Abraham wasn't righteous because of his acts but because of his faith so we are the same" but I read every word anyway and it paid off! the last verse says "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification" And I just think that's the coolest verse ever now. Like that's the gospel in a nut shell!
At some point in this who ordeal Jesus I Come started playing and I stopped doing whatever and listened to the lyrics not just the song. I think Jesus I come is exactly how all of us should respond to Christ. Christ has offered us life instead of death, calm instead of storm, health instead of sickness, and freedom instead of the bondage of sin! how can we react to that except for acceptance and worship!?
I cannot claim to comprehend all that has been done for us through Christ but the small glimpse I have been shown I unbelievably beautiful and incomparable to anything else in this world and that causes me to respond in worship so I decided to learn the "Revelation Song" by Philips, Craig, and Dean. Just the though that Angels are worshiping God with the same words is so amazing to me so that's why I chose to learn that song. The worship songs I played today were All in All, Hearts on Fire, It Is Finished, and Christ is Risen.
I have been able to see and feel a transformation in myself in the past 4 days that I have never experienced outside of a camp or retreat and it's amazing.
In Love,
Romans 4:25
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