Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Give Me Faith

God is good. That's how I want to start this post.
I woke up this morning and went to the doctor and I'm not too sick at all and should be better tomorrow! Yay!
Ok so, I actually prayed for one of my unsaved friends today. It was hard because that subject is kind of an open sore for me because he's the first of any of my close friends that might not be spending eternity with the living God. that really hurts to think about you know? But I prayed for him for the first time in like 2 months today so that was pretty big.
Quick disclaimer before I move on. I just want to make it clear that whenever I say something that implies I've grown in my faith please keep in mind that it's nothing I do. It's only by Gods grace that I grow at all.
Moving on! I also found out that a guy who used to work at a coffee shop I go to all the time is dying of cancer and only has 2-3 months left to live. I heard about it from his room mate/co-worker and she said that God is working through him, through this like, nothing else but it's still hard to see him in pain. So my prayer for him, because he does know Christ and is getting closer to going home, was for God just to ease his pain so he can continue doing Gods work.
 I pray that all of you will be able to see as I've seen through others that what we want is not always what we need. Sometime the worst thing we could have is what we want and sometimes, God gives it to us so that we can learn to trust Him instead of chasing after our worldly desires.
The song I learned today was "Give Me Faith" by Elevation Worship. If you haven't heard the song I strongly suggest you look it up. The lyrics are so true. My favorite part of the whole song is the bridge (Like most songs) because the lyrics just say over and over again "I may be weak, but Your Spirit's strong in me. My flesh may fail but my God you never will." The lyrics get to me every time because God has made that true in my life over and over again both physically and spiritually.
About a week before the dance recital this past year I twisted my ankle and it hurt so bad but came the day of the recital I just prayed and prayed for Gods Spirit to work through me because I knew I couldn't do it. That recital, I danced more confidently than I ever have and it was not by my own power but by Gods.
A spiritual example would be something that didn't happen to me but to a friend. One day when we were all talking she shared how she was doubting her faith and how it was hard for her to know if it was her faith or just her parents that she kinda just went along with. We spent about 10 minutes telling her that it was ok and that we'd be there for her until we moved on to another girl who was struggling with some pretty hard stuff and the girl who was "Struggling with her faith" preached to the other girl like nothing else and said just the right things. In that situation her flesh was failing but Christ worked through her anyway and used her for His purposes.
The songs I played for worship today were Hearts on Fire, You Deserve, and Revelation Song.
I read through Romans 9 today and it's my favorite chapter so far. there were 3 verses specifically that I though were really cool so I'm just going to type them out here. Verse 16 says "It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort but on Gods mercy" Which goes right along with what I was saying about "Give Me Faith" Because if it were up to us to trust God and do good things I think we all know that we'd be screwed. The other verses were Verses 20-21 and they say "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it 'Why did you make me like this?' does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use"
I think those verses are really cool because especially us as girls tend to question how God made us and I think it's perfect to just respect the maker by loving how he made you.

So yeah! I'm praying for all of you that you can ask God to give you faith, that you can trust Him to be strong when your weak.

With Love,
                            Hosea 2:23

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