Monday, July 15, 2013

Sing, Sing, Sing

Ok so again I did everything really late today. I woke up 2 minutes before I was supposed to be at dance which is 15 minutes away so, I'm about to say the most awful thing that I hope I can learn to over come, I didn't have time to pray this morning. But I prayed anyway later in the day!
I'm probably going to say this every day but God is really working in my heart right now and changing me to be more like him and you can see it clearly through my prayers.
Today I read through Romans 7 which was cool because Paul compared us to a wife who was widowed by the law and remarried to God because of His Son. It was really cool. The second half of the chapter is about how we are bound to sin by the law. Like, the law says "Do not covet" Our sinful nature start to covet things around us. and in Romans 7:15 Paul says something that most Christians have thought before, he says "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do" I think it's really encouraging that someone that wrote so many fantastic letter to the early church struggled with sin as much as we do. I think sometime us as Christians have a habit of putting bible characters on a different level from us and assume that we will never be able to reach that level of righteousness, but, with the exception of Christ, Almost every bible character was as screwed up as we are! Matthew? a tax collector (who, if you didn't know everyone hated and was usually a theif as well). John and Mark? Two bickering brothers that fished for an occupation. Paul? He murdered Christians before Christ redeemed him and then after he was redeemed Paul writes that there is a "Thorn in his side" A sin he constantly struggles with!
So that level of closeness with God is not unattainable.
The song I learned today was "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Cris Tomlin. It's not my favorite to play but that's ok. the lyrics are still fantastic for worship.
The songs I played today were How can I keep from singing, Beautiful Scandalous Night, and One Thing Remains.

I pray that you will seek God in his fullness and reach as far as you can for Him instead of waiting for him to pursue you further and I pray that you find joy in Him when you do.

With Love,
                             John 15:4

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