Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Struggling To Make Time

So, my "to do list" (in my last post) for every day is only 5 items right? which doesn't seem very hard at all! But it becomes very hard when you have a day like I just had but before you start thinking I bailed before I even started I DID complete it today so now I'm just going to give an overview ,sort of, of my day today and how I completed my list and stuff I guess.

So I woke up at 5 flipping Am this morning, not my most brilliant of plans. I had planned to read my bible and pray in the time before the rest of my family got up. needless to say I didn't get everything accomplished in those 3 hours that I wanted to.
what actually happened was I got up, took a shower and got ready for dance, then prayed for like 15 minutes (I write my prayers so its more like writing a letter to God) and then opened my Bible and proceeded to fall back asleep until about 7. at that point I got up and drank coffee until I resembled a living human being instead of the boogie man or a zombie.
I spent the rest of the day at the dance studio taking classes and helping with vacation bible school dance camp.
I got home about an hour ago and realized I needed to complete my list! I went straight to my room and looked up the chords for 10,000 reasons. There's one thing you need to know about me, right now. I HATE that song. I worked a Christian establishment last summer so Christian radio was always playing and that is the most over played song. Ever.
 but back to the point. I get a lot of requests for that song whenever I'm just playing worship songs so I figured I should get it out of the way and learn it. When I played it though, something weird happened. I didn't hate it! I didn't love it but I felt like I could at least worship God through the words of the song. so I learned that and checked it off the "Learn A New Song" box on my list.
Next was to read my bible. I decided yesterday to read through Romans first, so I was in Romans 2 today. most of the chapter was about how we judge others for doing things that sometimes... we do ourselves and that only God has the right to judge because He judges in truth and we, as humans, do not have the ability to know all of the truth.
The chapter kind of hit home with me because I have the bad habit of seeing someone do something, or say something and being like "O my goodness, how/why could they do that!?" without realizing that someone my be thinking the same thing about me for things that I do. It was completely humbling which prepared my heart for the next thing on my list.
"Worship Alone"
my guitar is partly broken and my voice is almost completely gone because I've been sick since I've gotten back from camp so iI'm sure I sounded awful but I know that since I was worshiping God with a heart as pure as it's gonna get that it was pleasing towards Him. I played/sang "Hearts On Fire" by Hadriel, "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin, and "How He Loves" by The David Crowder Band.

Thankyou for reading this and I hope that you'll keep up with my progress or that this post will have some effect on your life or heart. if it does give all the glory to God not to me because I am nothing but a tool that my creator has decided to use.

Always with love,
                                          Matthew 10:39

Twitter:     @graceshanksalot
Instagram: @graceshanksalotxvx
Facebook:  Grace Burdett

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